Thema-gecentreerde Interactie voor teamcoaches. De ‘legacy’ van Ruth Cohn
Op zoek naar de geboorte van TGI, kwam ik in contact met het Ruth Cohn Intstitut te Basel. Volgens de dienstdoende professor daar, heeft Ruth R. Cohn al in 1950 artikelen over ‘Themenzentrierten Interaktion’ gepubliceerd, maar het precieze geboortejaar is niet zeker. Wel is zeker dat sinds dat jaar van haar hand een oneindige stroom publicaties volgde, en dat er over de hele wereld Cohn en/of TGI instituten zijn opgericht. TGI is een begrip, en teamcoaches moeten er weet van hebben.
The undercurrent in teams – diving into the team dynamics
Addressing team dynamics Since the undercurrent is a largely invisible phenomenon we simply have to assume its existence. The undercurrent cannot be grasped or measured, yet it can a have a strong impact on team behavior and on the emotions of team members. Anyone who has ever been pushed out of a group knows how […]
Six steps on the intervention ladder of the team coach
The purpose of an intervention is to help the team understand their own reality (level 1), see this reality from a different perspective (level 2), understand their very process of reality construction (level 3). Inexperienced coaches often intervene too quickly and too strongly. They want to take a stand for example (‘It seems you […]
The Team Wheel® – Six Team Success Factors
Team success can’t be forged Teams can be amazing platforms for innovation, they solve complex problems and for many they provide a sense of belonging and inspiration. There may be no recipe for team success, but that’s no reason for not trying! How should we approach team development? Certainly not by just labeling any group […]